Skipper’s memoirs

Take part of our past adventures & read about what happens during our sailings

Blog posts

Martinique to Lagos 2023

Martinique to Lagos 2023

Read one of our crewmembers, Bodil Forss, Blog about our last crossing in 2023 From Martinique to the Azores – part 1 From Martinique to the Azorerna – part 2 Exploring Horta Riding tour on the Azores Pico and Faial The Azores to Lagos,...

Covid-19 slog till i Karibien

Covid-19 slog till i Karibien

March 8 2021

Senaste vinter seglade vi omkring i Karibien, främst kring Windward Islands, när Coronan slog till. Vi fastnade i Fort-de-France på Martinique när utegångsförbud utlystes och grannöarna stängde sina gränser. Liggande under hela lockdown...

Martinique during the pandemic

Martinique during the pandemic

May 15 2020

Under vårvintern låg vi upprepade gånger i Fort-de-France, Martinique för ankar.Dels för att det är en trevlig stad med många butiker och därför lätt att bunkra, men också för att vi hade flera gäster som anlände med flyg till Martinique.Sedan de får något år sedan inrättade en snabbuss ända ut förbi flygfältet, är det synnerligen enkelt att från flyget ta sig in till FdF.

Buying the Yacht

Buying the Yacht

April 22 2019

We searched the web and contacted the broker of some of the more interesting yachts. It is really surprising how much time this takes. Finally, we had reached the point where we had shortlisted the most interesting ones. It turned out that more than half of them where located in the southern UK, so that was where we headed.

How it all started

How it all started

March 22nd 2019

I’ve been sailing virtually all my life, well since I was big enough to remember anyway. It has always been in the back of my mind that I want to be able to spend more time sailing than on normal vacations only. I’m a software engineer, but for more than the past decade, I’ve been working in a sales organisation. My job job has been mainly technical sales support and consultancy services, but the driving factor has been the shortsighted sales cycle – you’re only as good as your last quarter type of thinking. Over time, I’ve grown tired of this and less motivated by my job.

I started thinking about a Plan B. What if I could leave the sales business and do something more meaningful, less hectic and more fulfilling. Even something more in tune with nature!

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